If your five month old is starting to get fussy then they may be beginning their teething phase. Here are some signs to help you know:
- Fussiness or crankiness
- Drooling
- Sleep patterns- your baby will be waking up more at night
- Biting- your baby is going to try to counter react the pressure they feel from the tooth poking through the gum.
- Bulging gums- will most likely start at the bottom
You are going to want to be prepared for remedies. Anything cold works best such as the following:
- Frozen teething rings
- Ice
- Frozen washcloth
- Frozen bagels
About one in 2,000 babies are born with teeth. They usually develop in the same order, with the bottom middle two peaking out first. Then the top middle two develop, and after that the rest along the side start to develop.
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